Sunday, August 18, 2013

ti amore

how hard to be by yourside
how hard i'm try to be the perfect girl
just for you

did you realize all this shit things ?

wake up with broken heart
fake smile 
act like we never know each other

wanna know something?

you just broke my heart
its fragile
but you just keep broke it

like i'm a barbie doll that didn;t know what the mean of PAIN

asking you why?

treat me like a girl that dont suit enough to love you

asking you why?

 keep saying that i did not have the pure love for you

asking you why ?

why you make it hard for us to be a couple like the normal people ?

i just write what i feel

what i think
what i should said

spread what i see.

its just been enough than see without say anything . 

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